One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Surf, Ireland, surf!

For the waves are plentiful. And they are free.

But you may want to cover your arse before riding your board, young, beautiful and impetuous Erin, it is freezing out there.

Meanwhile all those muppets are proclaiming ever louder that they are acting in the best interest of the nation. Phew, now I am seriously reassured. I thought for a second that personal gain may have clouded their judgement. Unfaithful little me...

I am pasting below an e-mail trail spanning over a couple of years with Dan Boyle (my blood), the Green Party's first ever (and last) senator.

<raheny_eye@> To
23/11/2010 14:53


Too little too late.
Too bad...

The only time in Irish politics when the Green Party could have made some kind of difference was before NAMA was voted in the Dail. Pulling out of government now as a lot of tragicomic potential but that's about it.
Let us not kid ourselves, the budget which will be published tomorrow was whispered into Laurel and Hardy's (sorry, Brian and Brian's) ears by the IMF and the CEB. And not just in the last week.
Why this announcement now? As if there was some kind of political future to be salvaged. Going into politics with FF is like mating with the Black Widow... And not just in times of recession, see what happened to the PDs (the P-who???)
The Greens have committed political harakiri. If only you had had the sense to do it when it could have made the slightest difference.

Anyway, what's the point now.
Too little too late.
Too bad...

On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 1:10 PM, <> wrote:

Raheny a conviction and term of 6 months is followed by immediate
explusion from the Dáil.

<raheny_eye@> To
21/09/2009 21:53 cc

Re: Position of the Greens on NAMA


I am enthralled at the significance of the changes made:

Subsection 217 (7) states that a person who commits an offence under
Section 217 ?is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding ?1,000
or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or both?.

If this is not serious deterent to fraud (1000 - ONE THOUSAND euros! I
shiver with fear), then I don't know what is.

Keep up the good work.


On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 2:37 PM, <> wrote:


Asset Management is part of every option that is available. Doing nothing
is not an option. We feel we can make NAMA a fair and effective vehicle.
have achieved some significant changes, but many more are needed.

Dan Boyle.
11/09/2009 17:35
Subject Position of the Greens on

Dear Dan,

Please allow me to express my surprise and disappointment as the Green
Party is about to facilitate the birth of a mistake of historical consequences for the Irish nation.

The very idea of NAMA should be a source of concern for any individual who
has not lost touch with a rare quality: common sense.

Beyond party politics, there should be some sort of survival instinct to
prevent the passing of a disastrous law, with disastrous consequences.

Please think of the people, please question what made you get involved in
politics in the very first place. Please do not help the imposition of NAMA on the whole nation, question its fundamental ideas.

Buying bad debt is not a smart move, it does not serve the common good.

Yours in all sincerity,

Raheny Eye

Full-time resident in Ireland since 1993

PAYE contributor since 1993


Dublin 5

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