One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye


Mr Smith reporting from outside the Central Bank, Dublin, Ireland.

It's not given to anyone to pull the babes with such ease. One has to have the X factor. One has to be the ultimate alpha male.
And when that one is he, the skoy is the limit.

If this shot does not make it to the hoiloight, oim fookin resoigning, so am oi.

Parting words at the end of a great evening/night

Thank you Derek!

Double vision
Pint-size blipper
Future blippers? Saw Mr Smith's selling techniques in action. Was most impressed.
Seconds before the unprovoked attack The conservation instinct kicks in. Stage 1: fear
Irish punters obviously very upset with the current economic situation
Veni vidi vici: Caesar's laurels (he's hardy)
Mr Smith has almost left the building

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