Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Just the two of us

A crazy but good day:

Dropped A at school
Went to work
Rushed around work fixing things (things I forgot to do)
Went home
Trimmed hubby's hair
Packed up R
Picked up A
Hugs and kisses to hubby who is out the door to Denver
Boys to doctor for well check

I haven't heard anything about my interview. The job actually closed August 20th, so that only gives a subtle hint how long things take where I work. I'm starting to second guess myself, like I always do. I seem to get these big ideas in my head and then realize that the idea may not really be what will work best for the family. But at some point, I'm going to have to figure out what IS best and go with it. Money is so annoying.

My boys are in perfect health though, and that is what counts. A is just now five and 46 3/4 inches tall. R turned 3 last month and is 38 inches short. :) This is the first time in a year they've been to the doctor at all, so I'm thankful. Plus it leaves room in the pocket book for teeth cleanings and eye checks.

I'm off to read the new books they received at the doctor and maybe a good cuddle. It's just the 3 of us the next few days.

Oh, and I grabbed this shot while attempting to photograph what appeared to be some creepy animal (or human?) graveyard in someone's backyard. I couldn't get close enough though to get a good shot. There were really big headstones made out of concrete all over the place. Creepy....

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