
By mollyblobs


Today the snow is melting, and the world has reverted to drab and miserable. So I though everyone might like to see the new addition to our menagerie, who has been christened Spike Wiggle-Piggun by my teenage sons (it's nice to see a bit of childishness remains!)

He actually turned up in our garden a couple of days ago. Pete found him in the small hours of the morning, wandering across an inch of snow. He was close to where we put out scraps for the fox, and I suspect he'd been helping himself from the plate too.

He's only young, and too small to hibernate so we brought him in and started him on a diet of cat food. He seemed very healthy, but worried us by not eating much for the first couple of days. However, now he's really found his appetite and the prospects for survival look pretty good.

He's actually quite bold and lively. I tried taking a photograph of him on the table, but he wouldn't keep still, and kept heading for the edge! I asked Pete to hold him so that I could get a nice shot of his face but I think he must have found the warmth comforting, because he promptly dropped off to sleep! Ah bless!

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