
By Appreciation

Trust Songs of Praise

We have done the Birthdays, ma, pa, No.1 Boy, and daughter. Fantastic and now swiftly moving on we can allow Christmas to enter stage left.

The girls were still shreiking at 3.30 am. I was woken by the final shreik and then heard the others call time. Thank goodness it was them and not me. The shame would have lasted forever and her whole life would have been ruined.

A slow start to the day then. Everything back in the right room. Nothing broken or misplaced. Brilliant. Took time to dig out my car, just incase I desperately need to move it this week. Then I wandered into town to see what damaged I could do to my shopping list.

With all that is going on, we have agreed to pare down to the necessary, without loosing any traditions or joy. We have promised this before but this time I hope we can live up to it.

Wandering through the German market was my first chance to see all that was new in the City. Skaters, rides, a big wheel, lots of food and Eastern European delights. There was also a large inflatable snow globe. Why are people queing up to get their picture taken inside a fake snow globe when they could have done that anytime over the last week? That had me chuckling.

On the way home from my stress free shopping (honestly), I noticed my first house with Christmas Tree. I was struck by how innocent it looked. When I came home I had a nice cuppa tea and turned on the t.v. Songs of Praise was on. Rather than moving swiftly on, I stopped and I heard some of my favourite Carols, I saw 3 ships, Little Town of Bethlehem, We will Rock You (not Queen). Say what you will about Songs of Praise, and we all have a view, it is a constant in our lives and has been for many a generation.

It was a beautiful afternoon. I feel grounded and in the moment. I had a chance to reflect on the things to appreciate, despite the challenges. My family, how strong we become when we pull together. My friends, how true they are. Don't think I need much else.

The youff last night didn't eat nearly enough so tea was already made. My girl, all 16 years of her, ate it like a 2 year old. I was waiting for her head to fall into it. She is now in the bath and going stratight to bed. No Stamina. She will learn.

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