
By Mimthing

Water Bucket

I've been procrastinating again, spent most of the morning looking around Blips and playing on the 3 word story -great idea, good fun and very addictive.
Made my way down to the birds, once again the hens didn't want to come out, the geese just came out and plonked down on the snow and preened them-selves.
I managed to break the ice in the big water tank and filled the only bucket that is usable at the moment, the rest are too big to carry and the geese are happy with the snow for most of the time.

They had this bucket in the shed last night, this is the result, they have managed to spill the water all over the edges of the rim and have this morning nibbled off the icicles.

All that done, thought I'd wiz down Braygate to run the dags.
I stopped the car
to let the dags out.......mistake, snow tyres are great on snow but not on ice a few phone calls and
Andrew came to the rescue

Have fun and take care.

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