
By sp33dway

frozen at the edges

There's a kyndof 'in unison' thing going on with my blipbreak right now: I'm REALLY enjoying it, and REALLY not too. In equal measure. Enjoying it because I'm spending a bit more time doing other things, but not enjoying it because hanging my camera up on that temporary hook is proving too hard to handle.

This evening I buddychatted with one of my close friends (my university pal and now life-long friend) about photography and other things design-related, caught up with his life and generally had a laugh over the wire. And one thing struck me: That I absolutely adore taking photos, and want to do more with it. How that transpires who can tell, but one thing I'm certain about is I just want to enjoy doing it.

And learning more day by day in the process. Which is kyndof what blip is all about, isn't it?

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