Pictorial Allsorts

By calvininjax

Majestic Oak

Spent most of the day working on processing images taken in Cape Cod. It left me with the feeling that I had missed a great opportunity. So many of the images seemed so uninspiring. I would think out of the several hundred shots taken, probably only 20 or so will pass muster. You know the kind of thing I mean, when an image flashes up and you say to yourself, "Oh, that is good!" I didn't get that with many of the Cape Cod images.

As a result, I did not feel particularly enthusiastic about setting out for my photographic walk. The temperature did pass 50 today, so the weather is warming up again. Then I suddenly remembered a shot I took yesterday that lost out to the elephant ears.

I quickened my step and hastened to the location, only to be met by different light. I figured that if I waited 15 or 20 minutes the sun would be in the right spot for me to reprise yesterday's effort.

In the process of killing time, I happened to spot this Live Oak tree, with its leaves of golden yellow set against the azure sky, as I walked along Downing Street. Something about the splendour of the tree and its leaves, caught in the light of the late afternoon sun, made me stop and take a shot. I know the subject isn't particularly startling but it struck a chord with me.

And the light never did get right for the shot I had in mind.

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