Man in the Tropics

By manintropics

Day 13

Rule #14 Sometimes it is ok to have a day when nothing much happens

I went to bed in trepidation last night. It wasn't because I was scared of being attacked by a creepy crawly (although in reality i am - they grow gigantic out here), nor was it because I had argued with Mrs maninthetropics, -no it was because I feared the horrendous and unrelenting din of the drumming convention. I really could not guarantee to hold on to my sanity if they started up for another night of torment. However, to such overwhelming relief, we were spared. We heard them in the far distance in the night, visiting their dubious talents on some other poor souls down the beach.

So when morning came, and we had had half a decent night's sleep, and it looked like the sun was going to come out, we were positively giddy with anticipation. A good breakfast was had, then off we went to the beach. the positive mood must have been catching as the lizards were out in force. Now I like lizards, and I spent quite a time taking some photos. I thought they were quite good, but since I can only choose 1 photo a day, they didn't make the cut. So we had an enjoyable day at the beach, a bit of swimming, some reading, a beer, a kiss or two - perfect! I was even able to wish the odd crab we came across a good day - I wa in that much of a good mood.

So, after we got back, had a shower, some coke and some cake (which we save from breakfast), we wandered down to the near-beach as the sun began to go down and I took this photo of the moon - a wonderfully awesome sight. then we had a really good dinner (and J choked herself on her vodka cocktail as we sought to 'guess the background of the other guests' - a good game, but J is so much better at it than me). A great day, and so far wonderfully uneventful .........

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