Bath Night...

This photo was firstly inspired by Sunflower Samurai's Washing Machine which I thought was brilliant and looked like a cappucino.

I originally tried spinning the ball through a couple of seconds of exposure but it just ended up looking like a blurred mess with no real definition. I'm pretty sure the lack of colour distinction is what killed it.

Oh well. Another bathtime down. Bethany is a bit odd with respects to her relationship with H2O. She loves swimming, getting wet and jumping in. In her bath, she has developed a bit of an aversion to me just squeezing the sponge over her head to get her hair wet.

Babies are still a mystery to me. I can't wait until she can talk sufficiently to be able to tell me why she doesn't like the hair washing and what it is that so upsets her in the middle of the night.

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