Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

A Winter's Tale

Today brought the news that Reuben will need a CAT scan on his spine to clarify the possibility of a perceived curvature which if determined to be so, will need surgical correction. It leaves me overwhelmed with the medical intensity of life once again, so my thoughts turn to Christmas and a little story I wrote for them last Christmas, being reminded of the tale as Reuben gazed on at a nativity scene encased in a decoration I bought last week. I'm overwhelmingly behind with Christmas shopping and cards too after losing so many gifts last week to a thief and my gifts will be especially late this year, especially when they encounter the bleak midwinter back home.

* * *

{A Winter's Tale}

"It's the most wonderful time of the year", said Mama as she described Christmas to Reuben. "It's a time for giving and receiving, but most importantly, it's a time to remember those less fortunate than ourselves." Mama continued. "In England, Scotland and Ireland where my own Mama and Daddy and brothers and sisters are from, we hold Christmas as a very holy and religious time. The feast of Christmas warms your heart; it makes it glow".
Mama started to tell Reuben about the Nativity Story and the story of baby Jesus. This Reuben could well identify with as he pondered his love for his own baby brother, Callum, whose name means "dove".

As they strolled through the streets with the soft golden lights from the Christmas tree shining into their eyes and reflecting off of Reuben's glasses, whilst Christmas carolers sang all around, Reuben asked:
"Mama, can you tell me about Santa Claus".

"Well, the original Santa Claus or Father Christmas as we used to call him growing up, was Bishop Nicholas of Greece, who became known throughout the land for his generosity to those in need and for his love of children. That's the true message behind Christmas. To give without the expectation of receiving. It's about honouring the gift of Jesus that God gave to us. Some people find it hard working out where Santa fits in with the Nativity Story, but to me, my son, it's the same story: the story of giving, of kindness and love and it transcends religions. And the Three Wise Men who came to visit the baby Jesus brought gifts to honour his birth".

"And how can I get to meet Father Christmas?" Reuben asked and with this question, Mama whispered into Reuben's ear:

"Step this way, I think I know just the place. He's here to visit children who've been good".

Mama and Reuben walked up to the leaded glass window of the brightly coloured cottage where a crowd had gathered, and, peering through the window and with eyes open in awe and window, Reuben looked through to see Santa all clad in red and with a long white beard. He looked very busy, studying letters from children all over the World with their Christmas wishes.

Santa must have heard their footsteps in the snow outside, and looking up, he gave Reuben a big smile. (He wore glasses too so that pleased Reuben no end).

Reuben sat on Santa's knees and talked to him about his wishes for Christmas and that what he wanted more than anything was for the boys and girls in hospitals all over the World to have a safe, happy and healthy Christmas with hopes that they will soon be able to go home. He was thinking a lot about his friend in CHARGE, Moriah.

And then it was time to say goodbye to Santa.

Mama started to tell Reuben that the reindeer would be riding through the snow, but Reuben was adamant that the reindeer would be flying high with Santa through the night skies.

"But wait, what's that I hear?" exclaimed Mama.

Hooves a clicking, a thundering sound on the roof above them and jingling bells.

And as sure as I stand here today, Mama and Reuben looked above their heads and saw for themselves how reindeer really do know how to fly.

It was getting late and the silver bells of Big Ben were beginning to toll. Ring a ling, hear them ring, soon it will be Christmas Day.

The End

Please join us in keeping the true spirit and holy message of Christmas alive. It's not just another "holiday". It's Christmas.

Merry Christmas one and all.

- Mama, December 2009

BackBlips for a week start here if you're interested. It also occurs to me that my 365 is almost here and I still have some backBlips to fill in before then. And maybe next year I'll Blip once a week, still trying for each day, but having a mammoth session just once a week. Haven't blipped in a week with the promise of doing other things, but I didn't necessarily get round to doing either. And I'm also going way back, filling in the gaps since July otherwise, says LuvU2 I'll miss my bday.

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