Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Home time

Up early like usual on my holidays. Not because I'd like to be but because the little people rule our home and demand to have my full attention the moment their little eyes break free of dreams. Their dreams are always interesting. Yesterday my oldest woke from a nap complaining of his bad dream, which included a wolf biting a dog. Boy dreams.

I managed to get quite a bit of cleaning tidying done around the house. Recycling out, laundry folded, dishes washed, toys put away. I've still not completed the major tasks of wrapping the gifts and baking goodies. I can't believe there is only one more day for all of that. Maybe I'll stay up 'til the wee hours of the night wrapping while watching a movie. We'll see.

Not such an inspirational blip today, as I didn't even manage to change out of my pajamas or brush my hair leave the house. I snuck outside while the boys were napping. We are so amazingly fortunate that our 5 year old still naps each afternoon, as I'm about needing a nap myself by then...not that I get one.

I am coming quite close to that ominous 365 of non-stop blipping. I can certainly see how much of my life has been swept away by blip and how I've consciously taken some of it back. Keeping up with everyone's journals can be so incredibly overwhelming, so I keep to my small group for now.

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