Life Inspired

By inspiredesigns

Christmas Eve

Visitors expected this evening, so cookies and cleaning still to be had. I'm exhausted from the prior night's gift wrapping marathon, but feeling great about the day. I managed to get the house cleaned to a reasonable level of acceptableness and one batch of no-bake cookies finished up. We mustn't be without no-bake cookies whilst my little brother is in town.

The boys and I were experimenting with bokeh. I have always admired those with fancy shaped bokeh and decided to try it out myself. After wandering about with my silly construction paper over my lens, I settled on some shots of the boys. The bokeh of choice for the evening was a Christmas tree if it isn't obvious. Sadly you can see the bit of dead lights on the tree. I can't figure out for the life of me why just one half of one strand has gone out, but the boys were the first to find it.

My mom, brother and our adopted family member N showed up just in time for dinner. It is now off to bed in hopes Santa might make an appearance.

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