Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Christmas Day

I saw Mama kissing Reuben Jack, underneath the mistletoe last night.

Photo credit: Reuben Jack, so it had to win over my dapper mono capture of Reuben which I adore.

I'd been up late cleaning and tidying the house, wrapping presents and contemplating Christmas, kissing my boys at midnight in their peaceful slumber and quick Skyping Mum and Dad.

I may not have had any presents under the tree for me, but the remote I bought myself just before Christmas was, I think the best fun for the boys as they watched the pop up flash work away at lightening speed. What resulted was an hilarious selection of moving images of us having fun under the tree together with the presents. This is one of Reuben's first photos, stealing a kiss from Mama whilst Callum isn't looking and pressing the remote at the same time. They quickly got the hang of it, taking it from my grasp and snapping away. Skyped mum, dad and all the family as they sat around the dinner table, turkey and cranberry in their tummies and a huge platter of stinky cheeses and port being passed to the left, at my brother Peter's, all 14 of them, my brothers, sisters and their children. Gorgeous and it felt as close as I could get to actually being there (the UK weather lead to panic with my parents so I postponed the trip til April when Dad turns 75).

Mass at St Monica's followed and despite popular opinion, they love it, the singing, the long lines going up to Communion which Reuben feels is a line of funny people passing him by. Callum sang and danced his way through then walked the aisles with Woody & Bullseye almost knocking over the marble table upon which sat the communion wine and host. Well, if you live near Hollywood entertainers you get the most amazing musical experience imaginable, akin to the best musical production.

Then headed to my cousin Barrie's for Christmas dinner with turkey. The rain had let up for the day but torrential rain ensued on our drive back home. Ah well, you know what means if you've seen my Chrismas Eve Blip! The boys had a great time and I epecially loved the moments snuggled up to Auntie Angie and reflecting on her Christmases of old with Mum and her sisters before it became a national holiday in Scotland. Unimaginable!

A few more on my blog of Christmas Day including the boys looking positively dapper. For once, Mama dressed up and wore makeup again attempting to become less of the Busy Frizzy Mama that I am and a capture of Angie (Agnes).

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