Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

My friend W and her house

For various reasons this afternoon arrived before I had touched the camera. I took Mum for a ride along the Military Road to deliver a CD of photos to our friend W who lives in Greenhead. We had a cup of tea with W and her husband, and wondered at their house, origninally a bastle house. We were sitting in a room that originally housed animals, now warmed by a wood burning stove.

As we left I decided to catch this view of the front door with its "Greek" columns, over the door date of 1757 and the partial plaque of the sun. W was very patient while I sorted out the settings!!

I've opted for B & W which seems to fit the ageing building.

Looking forward to the double episode of the Archers tonight, but fear that Tony may be bumped off by the writers, just as Helen gives birth. Wonder if I will be right?

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