Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Beauty lives though lilies die...

So said James Elroy Flecker in the prologue of his poem The Golden Journey to Samarkand.

I can't argue with that sentiment at all.

This is better large I think.

This is the last of my Christmas lilies. It's faded now and its petals were dropping so I thought I'd give it a decent photographic send off. I rather liked the light and reflection from our granite table in the kitchen, and the way the petal on the right made a little heart shape.

Today the Christmas deccies were packed away; I've cleaned, vacuumed, dusted and I have tackled the Biggest Ironing Pile In The World...and I won...phew...that deserves a glass of wine I think :-)

Bob wants me to have the crows I photographed yesterday printed large for the wall. I'm thinking about it...

Almost forgot my sub Sunday link...

I totally recommend R3zA! Not a regular poster but a quality one in my opinion. There are some terrific images in the journal and they are much underrated :-)

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