Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Big Beef!

Here is PART of the joint of beef that my parents-in-law got us for Christmas! Not all of it, because they had to cut it into two pieces because it was so big!

This piece has been slowly roasting in the oven all day, and has several hours to go yet! It's smelling absolutely gorgeous. We shall have with it the remains of the Mavrud we had on New Year's Eve. It will be a fitting end to the holiday!

It's been a strange couple of weeks - enforced time in the house because of the weather, then Christmas and New Year. Tomorrow the Wonderspouse will return to work and I shall start on the process of cleaning the house thoroughly from top to bottom (it's currently a MESS, no, seriously, REALLY a MESS), shall start the healthy eating and exercise regime, shall get back to regular practice and study, and, hopefully sooner rather than later, will come off the "sick list" and will start seriously to look for work.

It feels terribly daunting when I think of it all like that, but I've discovered the trick is to do a little at a time. The changes that I hope to make to my life in 2011 are ones that I shall need to stick with and ones that will help life in the long term. This year's goals and aims are part of a marathon rather than a sprint.

Slowly and gently does it!

Just like the beef in the oven!

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