My Angle

By myangle


No, it isn't a blue chili. It's just a bit Photoshopped for fun.

This chili is off one of the three chili bushes in our garden and even though it is the largest, it is also the mildest. Don't ask me what kind it is. Maybe Jalepeno. It sure looks like that brand. The other bush produces a medium chili and our biggest bush is full of hot, hot birdseye chilis. They all have their own particular flavour as well as flame and I love them all. Chili is the best cure for a cold if you can stand the after effects of the chili once you are cured.

Doing an outdoor blip today was pointless because of the weather. The Bureau of Meteorology has been warning of strong winds and rain increasing. So far we have just had showers but I have no doubt the wind will come. Up north there have been some significant falls.

Anyway, I was way too busy at work today to wander out and snatch a blip even if the weather was nice. When I arrived it was looking like I might be able to take a half day but things quickly went belly up. I even had to do overtime. Who does overtime at this time of year?!!

Now to enjoy the weekend.

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