A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Yes really!

Wanted something bright, fun and quick today as I have been taking down all the decorations, cleaning ( more thoroughly than usual - so that 'll be it till Easter then!) and I want some time to learn the words for my songs for tonights panto rehearsal. I know most of Act 1 but tonight is Act 2 so some serious rote learning needed and it is already 3.00pm.

As I was tidying, my husband's Christmas presents lay where they had been opened -and could easily do till Easter too, I spotted this fantastic pressie from our sister in law. You may notice that it is as yet unopened but when the weather is good enough to go out in the garden, or our kids are back from foreign fields or even when we are drunk enough - we will give it a try and I will make sure it features on blip!!

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