Friday evening

8 'o' clock arrived too early. Woke up after a good night's sleep, but could have slept longer. And funny enough, my first thoughts of the day were to do with work. There was a bit we had left unfinished last evening and I had plans for how we could proceed. The day ended on a good note with some real progress made. Of course I took time out to stare at the sky when I could, watching thick crisp clouds floating by and the occasional blue peeping through. There's some snow in the weekend's forecast.

Even when the weather is cold, I don't need a lot of warm clothing, in fact I like the cold. I walked in once again to the monstrous coffee shop, stood in the queue while watching the hanging lights at a distance while focussing at an imaginary object up close. (Perhaps that's what made me shoot this in the evening, when I was almost forgetting I had a photo to take.) Everything felt "nice"(!) for the want of a better word. It is Friday, a day when I can romanticize the potential of the forthcoming weekend after a busy week. I stood under the shade watching the rain and people walking by in it. It's funny how we project our feelings onto others and to everything we see, because they all looked happy and relaxed. I am getting more than my share of such days lately. Things will surely balance out soon!

One of the employees at the client's office today was very kind to help me out with an errand outside work during lunch.

Made time tonight to talk to another (almost ex) blipper. It turned out to be a long conversation and was most interesting. Quite amazing and heart-warming too, how one can connect so easily and talk as if picking up from an old conversation. I will remember this anyway, but thought it would be a good idea to keep a note of it.

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