
By Barking

The Buffet

There was an air of expectation hanging around this morning. Canterbury's brother, his partner and their kids were coming over for what will forever be known as 'The Buffet'.

The kids really love Canterbury and his niece, L, was all over him. They played with her Playmobile stuff for ages.

Just as The Buffet was being served up, some more of Canterbury's relatives turned up, unexpectedly early. Poor F, Canterbury's mum, was stressed to the max, catering for so many and so I really felt for her. Still, we managed to feed all the hungry mouths (and then some). I gave them some family time while washing up and then Canterbury and I dragged his uncle and his Collie, Molly, out for a bracing stroll.

Aside rant: What is it about dog poo over here? Please, if you have a dog, clear up after it. You can't walk 5 yards down the road without coming across some carelessly discarded poo in the middle of the path! It's disgusting. Much more of this and next time we come back, you'll not be able to move for dog poo.

End of rant.

Anyway, a lovely (if exhausting) day.

This photo is of L's present to her Grandma - spring bulbs and the promise of Spring around the corner.

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