All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Ethan and the giant bear

Ethan & I had a bit of a lie-in this morning. Well, he was up at 6am as usual, but went back to sleep 2 hours later and didn't wake up till well after 9am. In fact, Granny & Grandpa were both up and dressed by the time we surfaced!

After a very quick morning and an early lunch, Ethan & I drove into Glasgow to pick hubbie up from work. We took Ethan into his office to meet his colleagues and got lots of "ooh hasn't he grown" and "doesn't he look just like his daddy" typc comments! He also got lots of cuddles from hubbies female colleagues!

We then headed into Glasgow city centre to do a bit of shopping. Mostly window shopping but then we decided to pop into Hamleys for a wee wander. What a fab toy shop it is! Despite Ethan already having more than enough toys, we couldn't resist buying him a few more things. We spent ages in there, not least because there are so many things for Ethan to play with in there as well as us browsing the contents of the shop. He found a baby walker like this one my friend has, which he spent ages pushing up and down the shop. There is also a big raised table with remote control cars on and he loved crawling over that chasing the cars! (I'm not sure he was actually meant to be ON the table but no-one told us off and he had a whale of a time)!

Hubbie then treated us to dinner at TGI Fridays (an early birthday dinner for me). It's the first time we've ordered a kids meal for Ethan - macaroni cheese. He did eat a wee bit but seemed more partial to what was on our plates (Mostly chips, cheesy nachos and veggie burger)!

Later home than usual and he didn't get to bed till nearly 9pm. Hope that means he sleeps in later than 6am tomorrow!

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