Five things

By fivethings

One born every minute

1. After last nights' cava escapades it seemed only right to take a picture of my jar of corks. Over the past few years every time I've opened a bottle of champagne in celebration I've kept the cork. I write a little note on each one with the date and the reason for the popping and sometimes, on very special occassions, I stick a coin in it. The jar is overflowing with happy memories.

2. Despite what can only be described as an almighty hangover, I made it into work on time. I thought today was going to be horrible; two meetings in particular that promised to be rubbish. I worry too much about things that haven't happened. Everything was fine, better than fine. I worked hard to make them fine. It worked.

3. I bumped into my brother on the street today, comletely out of the blue. He always makes me smile and more than a few of those corks have his name on them. He's writing a musical this week.

4. I am finally eating properly after what seems like months of rich, Christmas indulgence. I was genuinely delighted to see brocolli tonight.

5. I am watching a programme on tv called One Born Every Minute - a fly on the wall documentary about a labour ward. While I watch I am chatting to one of my best friends who is currently 5 days overdue. Come on Baby Brady - let's go. There's a cork with your name on it, just round the corner.

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