Five things

By fivethings

All the Young Nudes

1. When will I ever learn that early nights are brilliant. Waking up feeling like you haven't swallowed a sponge is a good thing. I should do it more often.

2. Some days work just works. Things fall into place, colleagues surprise you and plans come together.

3. A pre-class curry with the drawing girls. Good food, good service and good laughs. I think a Tuesday tradition might have been established.

4. First All the Young Nudes of 2011 and it was a good one. I didn't do this actual drawing tonight but it's the only one in my pad that a) doesn't have full frontal nudity (not sure of Blip rules on that type of thing and b) vaguely resembles a human (you'd be amazed how many of them don't).

5. The other little thing in this photo is the case I made to keep my pastels in. It's made from a sleeve of a cashmere jumper that I shrunk in the wash. So far this jumper has created a pouch for mums mobile phone (strikingly similar design to the pastel case), a hanging heart for my friends baby and Clovis - a little gingerbread man stuffed with cloves that hung on Colin's Christmas tree. I certainly got my money's worth from that jumper and there's plently left.

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