Frosty morning

Up bright and early to do the monthly clean-and-tidy for my hosting of the Music Group session, once again despite all the best intentions to get stuck in last night and not leave it till the last minute. As it happened, things went well, and the house regained some level of decency quicker than I'd expected. It was nice to be ready and waiting half an hour before people began to arrive, and to be able to greet them without fluster.

It was a good session, followed by an equally enjoyable time in the local afterwards, which went on later than usual. Back home around 6.30 I washed and cleared away the crockery (a chore which I must admit elaving until the next day all too often) and settled down to a lazy evening of food and more music and a bit of mindless TV.

I'd been greetade with a really heavy frost when I got up, though it was only really eveident on the roofs of parked cars, including my own. Once the sun worked its way round, which it did shortly after 9.00, all signs of frost vansihed remarkably quickly.

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