Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Blipping on the run. Literally

Ok . This is not my finest Blip.
I have had a day of audit induced Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Brainfreeze, ( that's a genuine medical self diagnosis ).
I swear it's crushed my creative side today!
Anyway it's been a really busy one, daughters's number two's birthday and sadly the photos didn't work so I didn't get the Blip I had envisaged.
Whilst the girls were at Brownies I was determined to get some energy back so I went for a run. I had the iPhone with me for music, so the camera was there anyway and out of sheer wrackingmybrainsness ( it's a word, trust me! ) for a Blip, i just decided to run and shoot as I went.
This is it.Photographically it's not the clearest but I like the colours from the street lights .
In the words of one of my favorite songs
" I still haven't found what I'm looking for " in terms of a decent Blip, but it's still a small bit of brightness in our wintery world.
X x

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