Five things

By fivethings

Bone china, boots and batteries

1.A long lie this morning, well an hour extra, followed by one of the most productive hours of work I've had in a while. Inspirational stuff that charged my batteries.

2.Following that though, it was a mixed bag at work today; a fully charged battery one minute and flat the next. More ups than downs though.

3.The boots I have been deliberating with my inner stylist and my inner accountant were reduced from some ungodly price to a less ungodly £175. The case was strong, cost per wear was favourable, Gwyneth Paltrow has the same ones, and they are practical and warm. The two parties were about to come to agreement when I saw a pair that look identical in some random back street shop for £24.99. Deal done. Everyone's happy and I won't tell anyone if you won't.

4.It should be noted that it is very, very difficult to think positively when you rely on public transport as your primary method of getting from a to b. Sometimes the grimness involved in the reality of bus and train travel is overpowering. That said, I got chatting to the woman next to me as we sat sharing the bizarre situation that was our journey home. She needs a new hairdresser and I happen to know a very good one. She took his number and what could have been a waste of everyone's time helped solve her problem, sent a new client Derek's way and took my mind off the bus rage that threatened to bubble over.

5.This photo is one of Colin's cups made at Fireworks studio. It was his dabble into making with bone china and it is a rare and fine thing - both fragile and beautiful. It currently stores my chocolate coins. I am withdrawing frequently from the chocolate coin bank tonight.

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