
The mass leaflets which were around the church yesterday for Bernard's memorial mass weren't much help when it came to following the actual service, since lots more happened than the leaflet indicated.

That wasn't trhe only thing, though. I was intrigued by the small print at the bottom, with its references to copyright. Somehow, the notion of copyrighting the word of God seems out of place to me.

Today was a lazy one. I watched the first part of Flood on TV. A typical disastrer storyline, with groups of people whose fate we're meant to care about, nasty characters who poo-poo the idea that any bad is about to happen (the British Met Office was very much the bad guy in this case), and a heavy reliance on special effects. It was okay within its own narrow frame of reference, but the intrusive and banal 'music' quickly became irritating and rather spoiled the experience for me. Still, I promised myself that I'd watch another two hours of it tomorrow night.

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