Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Bakugan or Bakugans or Bakugae...

I wonder what the plural of Bakugan is? Maybe it's just the plural of sheep is sheep. Who knows.

Anyway, these aggressive-looking little souls are called, if you hadn't guessed by now, Bakugan. Henry loves them. He has about fifteen in various colours. They are magnetic and I find them stuck to radiators, chairs and lamp stands all over the house. I'm sure they breed when I'm not looking. Either that or they are amassing their forces for an attack.

Aside from plucking them off radiators and the like and returning them to H's room periodically I hadn't paid much attention to them until today when I got to fiddling with one. They're actually surprisingly beautifully engineered so I thought I'd blip one or two of them as a macro. I noticed a macro challenge this week and this is all I feel up to.

There is a TV programme apparently from which Bakugan are taken. They seem to save Universe along with a group of children in every episode. I'm not sure H *gets* the programme, I certainly don't. He just likes the idea that they live on the children's wrists. He treats them as little pets and chats away inventing all manner of games with them. As they're considerably less messy and smelly than hamsters or guinea pigs I'm happy for this state of affairs to continue ad infinitum.

The red one at the back is called Appollonir apparently and is currently H's favourite. I have no idea what the other one is called. I've dubbed him Beaky though I suspect that naming your son's Bakugan may indicate some kind of weird motherly mental breakdown...I blame tonsilitis.

Incredibly busy clinic at work again so the morning flew by in spite of me feeling rough. My tonsils seem to be in competition to see which one can cut off my oxygen supply first. So far I've been spared the outrageous temperature which normally accompanies one of these attacks so I'm still functioning, just about.

One of Bob's famous hot toddies might sort me out tonight.

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