an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Gas Leak

Today a man visited to read the meter. He said he thought there was a smell of gas, but it could just be a musty cellar smell.

Being a modern man he told my wife to wait till her husband came home to investigate it. So when I did, I did, and when you got really close to the meter there is a gassy whiff.

I have thought this on the odd occasion before but stupidly dismissed it on the basis that the plumber has not mentioned it and nor have the little cellar people. I was wondering why they were all wandering round a bit light headed though.

So I called the gas line who sent someone round straight away. They even wanted us to evacuate the house. Within the hour a man had arrived, pointed a stick at the meter (which made a loud whistle) and changed it to a brand new shiny one that has no gassy whiff.

On completion of the work Toddler then presented the gas man with a chocolate gold coin as a thank you. He said he would eat it in his van.

So the lesson is if you think you smell gas, no matter how weak call the gas people and they will come out and investigate and fix it all for free.

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