Howth boat

A lazy day, spent mostly in bed recovering from the hectic weekend.

It was after 2.00 by the time I got out of the house, shamed into sticking my nose out by the rather pleasant day it turned out to be after an early-moring frost. I drove to Howth and walked the fishing pier. I took a few indiferent shots before the camera battery died (no spare with me, naturally). Fortunately I managed to salvage this from a rather mediocre and small batch.

When I got home there was a message on the machine from my new doctor, saying that he'd got the results of the blood test. He said the numbers were a bit high for the prostate test, and asked me to come in to him tomorrow for a chat and so that he could give me a referral latter to see a urologist. A bit worrying, perhaps.

It was early to bed to settle down with an undemanding John Grisham (The Broker, not one of his better ones).

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