
Ordinarily this is the type of post that Mandy would probably describe as swicking. It's a nice word although one that's likely to die. Although it can be found all over Scotland it seems to be used primarily in the north east, in the Doric. It means cheating. Maybe it is. It's not meant to be although it's true that all three photos have been posted here in the past. The important thing is that while two of them were posted by me, the middle one was posted by the good DrCraig. And here it is printed, framed and taking pride of place in my house. There's another one printed but not yet framed. Happy the man am I.

It's a great swap. I picked one that I liked and the doc picked one that he thought I should have. In return I shall print two of mine, one selected by the doc and one selected by me.

Early one as it's the first meeting of the 101 Club where fellows plan to drink whisky but purely for educational purposes. Before that I need to go into town for a spot of shopping.

I really must thank everyone who stopped by and left a message for my 365 yesterday. I posted and took the weans up to bed. When I came back there was a staggering number of comments. All of them very kind and generous. Touching and humbling and very much appreciated. Thank you.

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