
Ordinarily I'd think of Chicken Korma as a bit of a baby's curry. The type of curry eaten by people who don't really like curry and, of course, children. It turns out that in the right hands and with a bit of help from Madhur Jaffrey, a korma is a thing of subtle flavours. And I didn't even have to make it. Nope, Mandy did it. Braw.

Also handy for a quick tea after a day at the parents where two-thirds of the Hope Boys found themselves quite by accident simultaneously putting in an appearance. Three sons, three daughters in law and three grandweans all packed into a wee (former) Cooncil flat in Castlemilk. That's a lot of tea to be making. No wonder it wasn't coming fast enough.

Err, that's pretty much the whole day - we got up late after being out on the lash last night. Well, not really on the lash. We had too much food at the City Cafe and had to walk about a bit and when we got to the Cafe Royal, we were still too bloated for drinking. So, I ended the night after four pints - almost what I had in the first hour with the 101 Club the night before.

Tonight's homework for Ewan was to read his story book. My homework is to revisit Friday's whiskys and decide which one I liked best.

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