Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Value for money...

This bunch of tulips probably represents the best value for money item I've purchased over the past year!

They cost £2 from Tesco, which in itself was pretty good value. Then they starred
here and one of them starred here, and still they're hanging on. They do look a bit faded today so I've given them a bit of sympathetic (hopefully) faded cross-processing treatment.

Weather is horrible but the cool light suited the subject and at least these lovely little tulips are still making me smile. The next ones will have a lot to live up to!

The boys have just returned from their trip to the village hairdresser and look very smart. Noah still has all his curls, he just looks tidier. Henry's hair is so fine and straight I daren't cut it myself! He did broach the subject once when he saw a TV advert for a 'home hairdressing' set but he hasn't mentioned it since he saw what we did to the dog with a suspiciously similar set of clippers ;-)

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