Evening woodland

Whwy I didn't do it yesterday I don't know, but I got my act together this morning and began the great new dietary plan by stocking up with healthy vegetables and fruit and pork chops and chicken breasts at the local, wonderful Beaumont Drive-In vegetable shop. It's a great spot, full of wonderful produce and much more reasonably priced than its supermarket competitors (and going strong with great success for many, many years).

The original plan had been to combine healthy food with healthy exercise by walking there and back, but the prospect of carrying heavy bags back with me didn't really carry much appeal, so I compormised by driving there, doing the shopping, and walking from there to the nearby Beaumont Hospital to leave in my new doc's referral letter to the cardiologist I first saw back in May 2009 (some symptoms have been recurring, which the doc uts down to changes in medication but wants to be checked out by a specialist).

Back home, I got stuck in in the kitchen, unpacked my shopping bags (the fridge didn't know itself, unused as it is to having real food inside it) and began my new let's-get-serious regime by having a decent lunch and evening meal. In between, not happy with the morning's half-hearted walk, I drove to Raheny and walked down to and around St Anne's Park, catching the last rays of the evening sun.

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