Nastia's Slow Little Days

By Anastasia

The Seagulls Came to Visit

I thought the late morning's squawkings of seagulls (or birds that sounded and acted like seagulls, at least) a good omen, boding well for the rest of the day, which included bits of television viewing via computer monitor, a trip to Whole Foods, some reading of Far From the Madding Crowd (since I just finished Ursula, finally), and a bit more napping, too.

I thought the birds an even better omen because I'd spent much time the previous night or two fretting about a totem animal for my first digitally-aided soul-collage card, which is mostly just a concept so far, aside from one really wonky HDR self-portrait. I felt instantly calm and gleeful when I saw the gulls. I certainly feel much affinity with their pesky nature.

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