A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A mistress by any other name...

Every spare moment is currently being spent with this. I have finally succumbed (well, once they were all out in paperback, I can't be doing with the weight of hardbacks) and have started Stieg Larsson's Millenium Trilogy. The hype has not disappointed and I am well and truly hooked. Am managing to not totally neglect my responsibilities and so far no meals have been missed, workdeadlines passed or kids left at the school gate. But it's been close. A lovely feeling as it's been a while since a book has got me in quite this way. Will have a brief pause before the next one as I need to fit in my book club book but by all accounts that too is a page-turner (Resistance by Owen Sheers). Actually I might just get myself another 'mistress' and read them in parallel.

Don't really know what the male equivalent of mistress is. Likewise 'maiden name', as Carl has amusingly found on more than one occasion. Though I realise I am now in danger of assigning gender to my book which is probably not helpful. Or necessary.

And definitely a waste of precious reading time. Have to cram some in now as we have a guest for dinner and as SooB has been very informative on her ski trip but less forthcoming on her abode status I shall be paying close attention to MrB. And I should probably go and think about dinner too.

Just a few more pages...

Lesley x

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