Capital adventures

By marchmont


Some days you just KNOW what you have to do and that was today. Strike while the iron is hot I say and I did. Don't you just LOVE the internet? How did we manage without it, SO much information.

I'm having a week off from gym/swim but I did do yoga. My left thigh muscles scream in pain as I try to sit cross legged. In and out and across to art. At last I could get pics of the snowdrops, a few days late but here they are outside the Eric Liddell Centre.

A bit of a rest and then off to the Bonham with SBC. Underdressed I took the bus there (luckily met Steve on the bus or who knows where I would have ended up) and a taxi most of the way back. The meal was good, ghreat value and the company was excellent, but can't do the drinks after thing. Anyway I'd left bank card at home!

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