Break in the storm

Been storming here the last couple of days. The rain is coming in torrents and flying sideways at times. I was certain I'd have to snap a shot of myself with my new glasses, but then right at 5pm, the clouds parted over the bay.

Funny how that happens. My dad had just sent me a message this morning on how he was missing my dock and sunset shots. Well this one's for you dad. :)

Feel a little bit bad lately 'bout being such a "blip and run" kind of girl. But honestly there is something more important than photography for me. Amazing isn't it? My husband and my little boys mean more to me than a thousand galleries filled with my photos.

My boys being 3 and 5 years old means they need me as much as I need them. So I blip and run. I get my fix, and I'm out. I do catch up with you here and there throughout my day though. Just don't rat me out. :)

Oh, and I did meet up with Suzy's Scenes for awhile in the unbearably cold wind, and then pddesigns made it as I was about to leave. The sky did become a little more interesting, so I'm looking forward to what they got!

And do take a gander in large.

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