
Eco-dad likes babies (I'm not entirely sure my ommision of an apostrophe there is valid, feel free to correct me anyone, Red?) feet! Not in any weirdo type way, he's a very friendly felly, no, he likes babies (Oops, there I go again.) feet in the same way a lady friend of our came in yesterday and asked to smell Ewan's head.

Seeing as I have easy access to a new born's feet, here you go Pete, job done.

Has anyone been watching the Australian Tennis Open? I want to introduce a new rule into tennis. I think that if someone slams their racquet down in a hissy fit and damages it, they should be disallowed from changing it. This would be at the descretion of the umpire.

For that matter, I think there should be more respect for umpires and referees in general. I heard somewhere that there is this happens in rugby where you have to show respect for the referee or you could find yourself on a short walk off pitch.

I think the fact that people take these organised sports so seriously is the thing that wards me off them.

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