The second half of life..

By twigs

Fairy wing..........

Before anyone gets upset - no bugs were harmed in the capture of this shot!

I was tired last night so little wonder that I slept through until 10.00am! And what was it that woke me up - these wee critters! The tree outside my bedroom window must be full of them as they sounded like they were in the room with me!

Anyway, after a slow start I eventually hauled myself into town for a few things then back via the supermarket where I almost fell victim to an act of car park rage. How was I to know she was intending pulling into the parking space I swung into if she wasn't signalling her intentions?! She honked at me and mouthed and gesticulated so in the face of this obviouos anger I was about to reverse back out to let her in when she put her foot to the floor and took off. Pah! No pleasing some people.

Did a few domestic chores and pottered a while. It's been a day of very little!

Out in the garden I spied an unlucky cicada who had flown into a spider web and died (so not one of the noisy beasties who woke me this morning!) Alongside and detached from its body was this wing, I couldn't help but notice how perfect it was and the more I looked at it the more intrigued I became with it. No wonder it became today's blip. I was trying to capture the almost oily shimmerings on the wing but I failed miserably! You'll just have to believe me when I tell you it looked almost fairylike ;)

Have got a video out tonight - first time in what feels like an eternity so off now to watch Eat, Pray, Love. I'm hoping I'll like it better than the reviews I've heard although I suspect it will fall a very long way short of the book - which I simply loved.

G'night :)

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