Or should that be, 'beware, surfers!'.

Either way, there weren't a whole lot of them around this evening a we drove down Marine Parade to get fish 'n' chips for tea.

Today ended with us sitting on the beach (us = Rae, B, me and Cousteau), eating our warm food and drinking cold Heineken. We decided that sitting in front of the tele was not our plan for this particular Saturday night.

The weather was kind of dreary, but thankfully not cold and not wet.

The threat of rain hung over us all day but never eventuated.

Before that, I got grumpy at the supermarket due to the cues and the lack of speed of people.

Before that, I had lunch with B at a Mall.

Before that, I caught up with Br and Mc for a coffee.

Before that, a tearful farewell to my trusty 50D, as it has gone to be cleaned. Yes, I'm a mucky pup.

Before that, there was a wonderful date with my bed and I slept (on and off) until 9 am. Ahhh, bliss.

Then home to Pio, waiting outside the gate for us. I don't know how long he'd been sitting there. Patiently waiting for his tea.

Righto. Tired now and not seeing straight, so off to bed with me.

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