just allan

By allan

The Three and a Half Steps

Duncan climbing some old stairs at Knowes Farm, East Lothian. The two of us got out for a walk this afternoon from the Farm Shop down to the John Muir Way along the Tyne. We first picked up some "strengthening medicine" - bars of handmade chocolate with dried raspberries from the shop. Essential, really.

Duncan took along his camera and snapped away, he's keen to join in this picture obsession of mine. We'll see what comes out but he certainly enjoyed it.

As busy, modern farms go, Knowes is fantastic for visitors. It's situated right on the Tyne which doesn't hurt, but also their dedication to low chemicals and organics is great. It's a really friendly place too with nice touches which manage not to be twee. There are 2 fields of properly free-range chickens which the children enjoy feeding - for many years we've been asking for yesterday's bread in the shop and having a ball tormenting the chooks with handfuls of crumbs.

We liked to think that these steps were once used by chickens to get to that little alcove into the barn, but more likely it's just a broken set of stairs. Quite likely deliberately broken too, to make way for the tractors that were buzzing past regularly. The worst damage I've seen done to accommodate farming is at Dunglass Collegiate Church, where the door has been substantially enlarged by smashing away the stone blocks to turn the church into a barn! Granted that was a while back, and the church is now a lovely spot.

Some more on Flickr.

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