
Today I am seeing things in black and white. I have discovered that sometime it's okay to sit back and let others take the lead.

Today, I have peeled carrots, washed enormous pots, swept, cleaned, picked up rubbish, stacked nappies, spoken to members of the public, begged outside the supermarket (successfully, I might add) and generally run around making sure that everyone is eating and drinking enough to keep them healthy.

JL rang me just after 2 pm and decided that she needed to pull rank. I obeyed and took Cousteau for a lovely walk. We are planning to take the dogs to Waikuku beach tomorrow. Another couple of hours off the craziness.

I need someone to look after me sometimes.

I also went to Mass tonight. It was my first one since the quake on Tuesday and was actually quite emotional. Almost without realising it, I sat right at the back, ready to make a bolt for it should the earth start to tremble again.

This morning, I sat for a while and ended up sleeping soundly for an hour. I never do that! I must have really needed it.

I have to stop comparing myself to others who are keeping going better than I am. I have a sore wrist from lifting and carrying, etc. I'm tired and I have a dog, cat and house to look after. I need to do as much as I can do without making myself sick. I'll not only be of no use if I become sick, but I'll be more of a burden on those who could do without more stress in their lives.

So, back at it at 8 tomorrow morning. I'll walk Cousteau a bit first and then take a break for our longer walk later in the day.

I am going to eat tomorrow too. I have decided.

Not much time for blipping right now, as you can imagine.

Over 140 dead recovered so far. Still more than 200 missing, presumed dead.

Eternal rest, grant to them, Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.

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