Swaledale Diary

By swaledale

Batchelor bluetit's home

This is a very dull blip and not what was intended. We have a camera inside this nest box and it links to some software on my PC. A lone bluetit has been roosting in it ever since the first day we put it up about a month ago. Yesterday we had high hopes he'd found a mate as a couple of bluetits went into it to have a look during the day. However sadly last night he was in there alone. Today I wanted to capture him arriving in the box for the night (about 17.20) and post the inside shot for my blip but my techie skills have failed me - can't work out how to convert the live view to capture as a photo, I'm sure there is an easy way to do this.

However it does raise some interesting questions:
1) Is batchelor bluetit male or female and is there a way to tell?
2) If a box is used for roosting is it more or less likely to be used for nesting?
3) Was the roosting bluetit one of the ones prospecting it during the day or were they different ones?

Hopefully later in the year i'll have worked out how to take the inside box shots

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