Happy Blip-Birthday to Me!

Ive only gone and done it!!!

A whole Year of blips!! That was my personal challenge and the challenge is complete.

Shall I stop now? Not on your nelly!!!!!!!!

Blip for me has been the most amazingly wonderful community of complete strangers. Strangers who take time to look, praise, comment and give stars and HEARTS! A community who are kind, thoughtful and caring. Yes, thats you blippers!! But I think we are also quite mad!!!!

I have been looking though my journal over the last few days and its amazing how quickly you forget what has happened in a year. I set out on blip with the sole purpose of completing a challenge of a photo a day. That was all! Keeping a journal of my daily life was an added bonus. I’m so glad I chose Blip.

So what’s happened in a year?

There have been new Grandbabies, Royal Babies and My first Blip Baby - yes that's you Kirstie!

Pretty Blips, Silly blips and totally Rubbish Blips - don't even look!!!

There have been Happy Blips, Sad Blips, and Very Cross Blips.

Scary Blips from my hospital bed and worrying blips from Mr W’s.

Iv had a Spotlight Blip just the one! and a blip that gave me my first negative comments - Ive deleted them!.

Iv completed 3 challenges that I made up and had plenty of followers, to all of you I’m very grateful!

I have admitted my addiction for blip (a big step in my recovery!) and tried and failed to get others to join the addiction – they clearly don’t understand what we are going through!!! (yes, that includes you Daughter Number 1 !)

So I thank you all from the top to the bottom of my HEART for your company over the last year, especially from my most regular followers. Actually, from all my followers. I didn’t realise I had so many!

May my HEART be with you, and you and you!!!

And yes, I bought the T shirt that’s actually too small for me and (Heart covered) birthday badges just for this blip!!!!

Long may this continue. Always and Forever.


Woop Woop - I got 'that' email at 7.30 tonight to say I have hit the Spotlight!!! My second ever and it feels GREAT!!! Couldn't have done it without all of YOU!!!!
Thank you!

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