Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

In hot pursuit....

Our photo club had an assignment in Warkworth today. It was a beautiful fine day and quite warm in the sun. A good crowd gathered at the Castle and then we went our separate ways to take whatever images we fancied.

I had a great time. I took some atmospheric indoor shots in the castle and a few in St Laurence's church (he is the saint who was grilled to death - nasty).

On my way back to the car park after lunch I stopped to watch the ducks and gulls enjoying bread from visitors, mainly Dad and toddlers. At one point a female mallard made off with a piece of bread and was pursued by an aggressive tern. I have a whole series of images of the ensuing chase - it was very exciting. The duck swam like the clappers, holding on to the bread as if her life depended on it. None of the images are quite as sharp as I would like but I thought you might enjoy this one. (Incidentally, the duck won.)

We went to the beach for a few more shots before returning home to see the moon. It's been a most enjoyable day.

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