Autumn Surprise

A scene normally seen in Spring but today its Autumn - does this fit the Challenge I wonder??

A delightful discovery made by my Mum and I, just casually out for a stroll between showers, when low and behold this lovely family appeared. Dad is on the outskirts doing his protective thing.

Our lovely Black swan has three beautiful cygnets. The swans appear black all over but each feather is outlined in white and wing feathers are edged with a wide, white band that is only noticeable when the birds spread their wings, or are in flight. Black swans appear rather aloof, with their heads held high as they draw their profusion of curled tail feathers behind them like flouncing skirts.

I would say these little cygnets would be about 4 weeks old, perhaps making them earthquake babies. I think they'll be fine for Winter as they have plenty of time to get their new feathers before the cold really hits us.

Not normally seen at this time of the year, a wonderful Autumn Surprise :)

PS Thanks for your comments yesterday, the Gaussian Blur was a hit! I was quite chuffed, being the first time I had used it, thank you :))

Edit: I followed a previous family of Black Swans from the nest stage through to 3 months old, this can be viewed here and then following the links back to the beginning - enjoy :)

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