Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The joys (and tribulations) of Spring

Glorious weather again today. I spent time in the garden catching up on pruning and tidying. So much to do, but there was time to stop and enjoy looking at the riot of colour all around. The celandine are doing their best to take over the garden, but they are so pretty it is hard to think of them as weeds. (The damage they are doing to the lawn is serious.)

The daffs and narcissi are all out now and look wonderful against the blue, blue sky. Today's blip is one of the blue anemones that suddenly appear at this time of year. Such cheerful little flowers.

Spiraea Bridal Wreath is one of my all time favourites, so it may appear in a Blip soon. It is just coming into blossom today.

Late in the afternoon I was hoping to photograph a large bumblebee - when I tripped over the cage of bird food on the patio, dropped my camera and sustained a few bruises. The camera is working but the cover I put over the back of the LCD has cracked. I'm not sure if I should try to remove it or not.
I've recovered now, but I was not a happy bunny at the time (which reminds me that one of the cats had caught one such and then vomited profusely after the feast)

Good news - festival bookings are brilliant.

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