You spin me right round, baby right round

Well, what a prophetic shot this was. While I snapped away in a very brief period of sunshine, my boys by my side, I had no idea that not far north, at that very time, a tornado was powering through suburban Auckland.

Miraculously only one death, but one death too many for the dead man's loved ones. May he rest in peace.

This a wee wooden spinning top I found in a heap of junk a while ago. I like its smoothness but, until today, I had never managed to get it to spin. Today it worked like a charm.

Again, Pio decided to get in on the action. I liked this one best.

Am cooking tea at the moment. I just bent my thumb nail back. It hasn't broken, but there was blood and now it's throbbing. Silly me.

My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by New Zealand's latest natural disaster.


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